March 14, 2025 - 5:33 UTC

June 05, 2022 - 12:27 UTC   *sticky*

Figlet Font Browser
figlet font browser

Here's the current selection of figlet fonts available on the sdf cluster along with their names. The fonts are stored in the default figlet font directory '/sys/pkg93/share/figlet/' and can be called with the -f option: 'figlet -f font-name texttofiglet'. There are a number of other useful options to use. See 'man figlet' and also the Figlet homepage. The figlet font browser has been moved [HERE] from the front page for convenience.


June 12, 2021 - 02:56 UTC   *sticky*

Schumann Resonance Archive
schumann resonance archive

The University of Tomsk issues this rolling color graph in jpg format of the Schumann resonance with a continuous window of three days. It is unknown whether or not the University keeps an archive of these images. If they do, the records are not published on the website. For my own benefit it seems to be useful to have an historical perspective over time. Others may find it useful as well. See Archive page for latest data.

Update: Suspended until further notice. Copyright issue - March 31, 2023
Update: Please see this link for more insight on this situation - June 23, 2023


April 8, 2021 - 14:35 UTC

URxvt fullscreen keybinding

Found this on StackOverflow, turns out to be very useful. I'd been using xfce4-terminal for a long time. Then I installed Bunsenlabs linux on an old Dell Dimension 9200, which is a 32-bit Intel Core 2 Duo. It's default terminal is urxvt, so I started tweaking it. One thing I missed was the F11 keybinding which gave me full screen. It's worth posting here: